Women’s League

2024 Registration Information

Must be 18 to play!

Informational Meeting
February 8th 6PM Abby's East

We will be discussing some rule clarifications, reminders, and updates.

If you are interested in having a team or getting on a roster, please attend this meeting.
We will be going over future meeting dates, sponsor fees and player fees.

All players, including new players are encouraged to attend

Sponsor Fees Due
March 7th 6PM Abby's East
$350 per team, $25 late fee after above meeting date unless communicated to a board member 24 hrs before meeting
Payable, in one check, to AVSA. No Cash!  No refunds so make sure sponsors make check for $350 to AVSA.


Players Fees, Roster & Code of Conduct Due

April 11th 6PM Abby's East

$30 per rostered player
Balls & scorebooks will be handed out at this meeting pending you have 10 players signed and paid.
The kick off two day weekend league game schedule will be posted after the meeting. 

 All items MUST be turned in to get your game balls.



 All coaches are responsible for the following documents:
    AVSA League Rules
Code of Conduct
USSSA Roster


 For additional information please follow our Facebook page here

Scores, questions and concerns can be sent to


Game Days:

  • Mostly Tuesday and/or Thursday

  • Each team plays 20 games + Kickoff and Playoffs


The regular season will start:

  • Kickoff Tournament: 4/20-4/21

  • League: officially starts 4/18 mostly Tuesdays and/or Thursdays

  • End of Season Tournament: TBD with double elimination  *Bracket placement based on team seating

  • E.O.S. Recap: TBD

Free Agent List

Emma Keller 509-710-1042

Jennifer Roberts 303-999-7991

Marissa Knappert  509-415-8071

  • If you are looking for a team, please email womensapplevalleysoftball@gmail.com and provide your name and contact information. 
  • If coaches are interested in Free Agents, please contact womensapplevalleysoftball@gmail.com



Women’s Board Members
          President – Kathy Blanchat
          Vice President – Lindsey Stilwater
          Secretary – Brooke Branstetter

          Treasurer – Michelle Cummings
          Field Scheduler – Kayla Taylor